Friday, July 21, 2006

Skin Deep--Now posted

Marilyn tells me she will start posting my story, Skin Deep on her Yahoo Group Love Bytes on July 23. When she does, I'll be interested in your thoughts ladies.

Jake Volmer


Paz Edwards said...

Jake: I enjoyed the first excerpt of the story so far. I'm anxious to know what your date did to you that surprised you.

Also, I'm curious to know how or why beauty or appearance is so important to you than other characteristics. You mention that your mom that to teach you otherwise, but she wasn't successful.

I look forward to more of your story.


Marilyn Lee said...


Mom was forever saying looks weren't important, but let's face it. Looks are important to most men. Despite what Mom said/ says, Why should I be any different? That's the question I was faced with when I met Bree.
She made me reexamine what was important to me.


Marilyn Lee said...

Oh drbw, give a guy a break, won't you? I admit I'm not perfect, but I'm working on myself. Bree says I'm a work in progress, so just get to know me a little before you make a final decision.


Marilyn Lee said...


Marilyn ususlly posts every week. So if you visit her group on Saturday, you should get to see what surprise Bree had in store for me.


Anita said...

Hey Jake! I'm likin your confession. I'm giving you the benefit here, cuz I know you're a good man.

I am wondering why you had that outlook with women? Why the preordained stereotype? All women are beautiful in there own way.


Marilyn Lee said...

Well Anita,

After you "meet" Lea, you'll begin to see why I felt as I did. That...witch did a number on me you wouldn't believe. And at least I thought Bree was in cohoots with her so naturally I wans't inclined to be "nice."

Thanks for the benefit of the doubt.


Marilyn Lee said...


Marilyn just told me she's asked one of the new guys to stop by. His name is Raphael. I think he's a little on the arrogant side, but Marily seems to like him. So look for him to post here soon.

I might not be around here much, but as you know, Marilyn is posting my story (Skin Deep)on her Yahoo Group. I know some of you think I'm an ass, but I have my reaons.

All I ask is that you read my story with an open mind and give me a chance before you make a final decision about me. You might like me once you get to know me and my story.

Ladies, it's been "real."

Jake Volmer from the confession Skin Deep

Marilyn Lee said...

Come on drbw

What's a man supposed to do when two women conspire against him?


Marilyn Lee said...

Now you tell.


Marilyn Lee said...

Oh, all right. It may take me a little longer than some men, but I know when I'm beat. I yield.


Marilyn Lee said...

Me? Break her heart? Haven't you seen how she's been treating me? Slamming doors in my face and generally doing her best to give a man a complex?

I think I'm the one in danger here.


Marilyn Lee said...

Bree, in danger from me? Maybe at one time my intentions towards her might not have been...what they should have been. But since I met and started to spend time with her, my point of view is starting to change.

Hurting her in not what I have in mind.


Marilyn Lee said...


I'm not sure what's goin going on with Jessi and Malik. I never thought he was good enough for her, but she seemed to like the guy. Go figure.

Marilyn Lee said...


It's not easy turning off your feelings. When I met and fell for Lea, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven because she seemed to be everything I'd ever wanted in a woman.

Then Ed got rich and I lost her. Then along came Bree. I know Jessi thinks I might hurt Bree, but that's not my intention.

She's different from any woman I've ever met. I don't know why, but I feel drawn to her.

I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt, but that's difficult since she very well might be in cohoots with Lea. And still I'm drawn to her.

Hopefully things will somehow work out with me and Bree and for Jessi and Malik.


Marilyn Lee said...


That's easier said than done. I was a breath away from being in love with Lea and for all I know, she might have been in love with me. Why else would she be chasing me?

I know it's not right, but how much can a man take? I don't want to hurt Ed, but he's never really care much about me or my feelings. What kind of brother would do what he did--sneaking around behind my back with my woman and then taking her when his good fortune made him a good attractive target than me.

Still I know what I'm about to do is a big no-no. So send me good thoughts and maybe I'll find away out of the mess I'm end.


Marilyn Lee said...

Did I like Lea as a person? In a word-no. I wanted to, but it's difficult to like a woman you know is a gold digger. I didn't like her and I didn't want to want her, but oh, man, did I want her.

Marilyn tells me she's just finished writing Skin Deep and would skin me if I gave anything away, but I can say that you're right aobut Ed paying dearly for marrying Lea. But then I very nearly did too.

She had a habit of taking a grain of truth and turning into something unrecognizable. But despite all her lies and tricks (and you have no idea how many she told and how she did her best to ruin all our lives), we survived inspite of her.


Marilyn Lee said...

If you hang in there with me drbw, you'll see I'm not such a bad guy.
